“Rainmakers.” This documentary delves into the world of twenty rainmakers hailing from three Nigerian states, examining the mystical craft of rainmaking in contrast to modern scientific weather predictions.
Niyi Akinmolayan highlights that the documentary compares the outcomes of weather app forecasts with the age old powers of tradition, incorporating deities such as Agemo, Sango and Osun.
DOWNLOAD VIDEO {1080p} Version
- Filename: Rainmakers.2024.1080p.Esub.[9jaRocks.Com].mkv
- Filesize: 1.07 GB
- Duration: 01:09:05
- Imdb: –
- Genre: Documentary
- Director: Niyi Akinmolayan
- Producers: Niyi Akinmolayan
- stars: Chef Ahmed Olatunde Kasali, Baba Sango of Oyo, Dr. Lucky Edo
- Subtitle: English
DOWNLOAD VIDEO {1080p} Version
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