Five Ways Successful Individuals Maintain Financial Discipline

We can all agree, I suppose, that money can be very difficult at times. I've spoken with a lot of readers throughout the eight years since I launched my website who are just working hard to advance but still feel stuck, even if they are doing fantastic work.
It's quite simple for personal finance professionals and "gurus" to perch atop the wealth pyramid and point out with a wave of their fingers, "Investment is crucial! Spend no more than you earn! Clear your debt!

It doesn’t take a money expert to know this is good advice, but the reality is that putting good advice or even common sense into action is way easier said than done.

Everyone has a different path to get to where they want to be financially, and the truth is that discipline is key to making it work for most people

 Because you have to train yourself and be disciplined to stay on course, I’ve put together a list of strategies that have helped me over the years.

1. Discover Your Style:

This is huge! There are so many different ways to approach budgeting, investing, debt payoff, etc. The key to picking a good path and actually following through is to do it the way that you want to, not what other people think you should do.

When I was a teacher, I was often in awe of how quickly and easily a child's mind might be ignited by a seemingly insignificant change in teaching methodology. The same holds true for reaching objectives and managing finances. I mean, we're all just giant kids, right?

Use as much of that strategy as you can if you're a spreadsheet nerd who enjoys getting your hands filthy with every financial detail. If, like me, you rely on automation to get by, download and utilize your preferred app or website.

2. Eliminate or limit the negative financial influences in your life:

I will admit that this is extremely difficult. There are a plethora of external factors that impact our financial decision-making.
  • "What is the reason for contributing so much to your debt? You realize that you have to live.
  • "Your decision to purchase dividend stocks was foolish. Real estate is far superior.
  • "Your vehicle is quite old. Get yourself a new one, please.

If someone in your inner circle is bad about hitting you with statements like the ones above, then you may need to limit your time with them or possibly remove them from your circle altogether. 

I realize that sounds harsh. But if they’re causing you to overspend, go into debt, make decisions that go against your values, or make you feel bad about the good habits you have, then they might be a bad influence on your financial life.

They may not always be someone you need to avoid, but if you are really struggling to make good financial decisions, then you need as much positive support as possible, not negativity.

3. Take A Moment To Appreciate Your True Progress:

I know many of you feel the same way, and it's something I have to remind myself of every day. If my business isn't expanding the way I want it to, I get hard on myself. If there was a discrepancy between my desired and actual savings and investment accounts, I would become disheartened and annoyed with myself.

4. Embrace the Company of Winners:

Thousands of people have been interviewed, and one factor keeps coming up more than the others. Individuals who are adhering to their debt, savings, or investing objectives are contributing members of a supportive financial community.

To be honest, it could be anything: church groups, friends who are simply very interested in investing, Facebook groups (like my free M$M FB group), etc.

5. Look For Ways To Re-give

I'm in a position in my life where I can give back with ease. Even before I got to where I am now, I was looking for chances to sponsor causes that I believe in or make the occasional donation. It's satisfying to leave a larger tip even when you've received excellent service at a restaurant.

I find myself wanting to earn more money in order to help more people in need as a result.


Even if you’re unable to make a financial contribution, I highly recommend that you go out and do some solid volunteer work. I’m sure a lot of you do already, and you probably know that it helps to keep you grounded and grateful for what you already have.

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