Saggy Breasts: 5 Effective Ways To Avoid Breast Sagging

Eventually, at some point in a woman’s life, no matter how hard she tries to avoid it, her breasts will sag. However, there are a number of things a woman can do to avoid early breast sagging and maintain her youthful appearance for as long as possible.

Hence, Some women have insecurities and the shape of their breast is one of them. here are 5 Effective ways to keep your breast firm.

1. Exercise regularly:

Generally, exercising daily keeps the body fit and healthy. To keep your breast firm, there are few exercises that can enhance the elasticity of your breast and give you the perfect shape. You can try push-ups, squats or chest-press at the gym.

2. Always wear the right size of bra:

If you want to have the perfect breast, buy the right size of bra to give your breast the optimal support. Tip: Wear the right bra when you are exercising or doing strenuous activity.

3. Eat Proteins:

Eating proteins is the best way to heal damages to the skin, connective tissues and muscles. Your body uses proteins to heal these damages, which in turns helps strengthen your breasts to resist gravity and remain perky. Protein rich foods include meat, milk, beans, nuts etc.

4. Avoid Weight Fluctuations:

Try to maintain a stable weight as much as you can. Avoid yo-yo dieting, avoid rapidly gaining and losing weight, and avoid becoming overweight. This is because weight fluctuations tend to stretch out the skin of your breast causing it to sag over time.

Please Take NOTE;
Breast-feeding Will Not Make Your Breasts Sag

Please drop the unnecessary fear of breast-feeding causing your breasts to sag (if you have this fear). Your breasts sag as they get larger and heavier during pregnancy because this process stretches the ligaments of the breast.

5. Drink adequate water: 

According to experts at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals, skin is an organ whose cells are predominantly made up of water. Lack of water in the system takes a toll on the skin. It also makes the skin over your breast look shrunken and dull. When there is less water in your body the skin doesn t receive the requisite amount and might look flaky, dry and get wrinkled all over. This could lead to premature aging of the skin around the breasts making it lose and sag.

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