7 Undenied Side Effects of Masturbation - Julius Shedrack

You might be wondering if Masturbation Has side effects.. 

Because some people See's it as a way to please one self sexually. Well on this post, I will be highlighting 7 Undenied Side Effects of Masturbation.

Some people may feel guilty about masturbating because of cultural, spiritual, or religious beliefs.

Masturbation entails self gratification or using one's hand to sexually stimulate the genitals. Most young guys and ladies indulge in this act out of curiosity and some in the bid to hold or satisfy their urge but the truth is that, unlike what science tells us, self gratification is highly addictive and can easily become a problem for people.

Now Let's Discuss The Side Effects Of Masturbation To The Body.

1. Reduced Seminal Fluid; 

This is another side effect of compulsive self gratification. If you are very much addicted to the act, it won't reduce sperm quality as many believe but it will have an impact on the quantity of seminal fluid you release especially if you are the type of person who indulges in the act on and off without giving your body space to recoup.

2. Sore Private Organ: 

One thing that comes with excess self gratification in it's totality is sore genitals. If you are the type of person who always indulges in this, then there is almost every likelihood that you will injure your private organ in the process. It can lead to injuring your private organ for the men and women who indulge in this act.

3. Capable Of Causing Tiredness in Men; 

Physical and mental tiredness are the two factors that can arise from frequent or excess self gratification. A man who is so addicted to this act will most of the time feel tired, drowsy and weak as a result be less productive when it comes to whatever he is doing. This is one of the chronic side effects of this act that should not be overlooked.

Other Reviewed Effects Of Masturbation Are:

4. Masturbation lowers sperm count, reduces your chance of conceiving.

5. Frequent masturbation will take longer to satisfy you and for you to ejaculate. Space it out.

6. If your hands are rough, your genitals will have scratches.

7. Vigourous movements will cause swelling too.

Thanks For Reading. 
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