How To Help Make Your Cooking Gas Last Longer After Refilling [Detailed Information]

With the rising cost of cooking gas today, there are a few things you can do to make your cooking gas last longer. Doing them will also ultimately help you cut down on your monthly gas expense and get you additional savings.

Now the question is "How To Help Make My Cooking Gas Last Longer After Refilling".

Cooking gas is one of these kitchen appliances of which the cost to refill has been on the very high side of recent. For this reason, a lot of people have been sorting after ways to help make their cooking gas last longer to save costs, and if you are among these people you are in the right place as below are ways and ideas which can help make your cooking gas last longer after refilling thereby saving you a lot of money.

5 Ways To Help Make Your Cooking Gas Last Longer After Refilling

1. Defrost frozen food before cooking:
For faster cooking, defrost or melt frozen food before cooking. It lets you maximize your cooking gas as you save on the heat energy required to bring it down to room temperature.

2. Ensure To Always Cook On Low Flame:
Many always make the mistake of cooking on a very high flame to make the food cook faster, however, this is very wasteful as the gas escapes too fast during this kind of cooking at times still having very little effect on cooking speed. Cooking on a low flame is best as it will save your gas, money and also allow your food to cook properly.

3. Avoid Cooking With Pots Having Low Heat Conductivity:
 Not all cooking parts are the same in terms of materials used in their production which is why you would find out that some pots are much heavier and thicker than others. Some of these much heavier and thicker pots are made with materials that conduct a lower amount of heat at a given time compared to other light stainless steel pots. Avoiding these pots will help your gas last longer as these low heat-conducting pots take a lot of cooking time.

4. Regularly maintain and service your gas tank and stove:
To ensure safety and to maximize your cooking gas, regularly check and service the regulator as well as check the pipes or hoses for blockages and leaks. To avoid wastage, always make sure that the regulator is switched off after cooking.

5. Keep your cooking pots outer surfaces clean and shining:
Uncleaned, black and soot-stained outer cooking pot surface will reduce the ability of the pot to conduct heat. This will prolong cooking and burn more gas.

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