5 Effective Bible Verses You Should Read Before You Sleep At Night - Shedrack Julius

There are some Bible verses you should read before you sleep at night, and this is because they contain God's word which you can use to address the night and take charge of it, and since God upholds all things by the word of his power, you must read and declare the word of God which according to John 6:63 is spirit and life, for God to uphold you, preserve you, and sustain you.

Since the night is a period which God has designed and reserved for rest, renewal, and also regeneration, demonic powers also seize the time to operate against people, and this is one of the reasons why God instruct that you should read and meditate in his law in the day and also at night so that his word can dwell richly in you in all wisdom and since death and life are in the power of the tongue, reading and declaring the word of God in some Bible verses before you sleep at night will make God establish his word in your life, and also protect you as you.

Given below are five Bible verses you should read before you sleep at night.

1. Psalm 127:2 (Amplified Version).

The Bible verse above says that God gives blessing to his beloved in their sleep. As a beloved child of God, you should also read and declare the verse for God to give you his blessing in your sleep.

2. Philippians 4:6.

The Bible verse given above says that the peace of God that surpasses all human understanding will be given to keep your mind and heart. This means that by God's peace, your mind and your heart will both be stabilized and freed from worry or trouble of any kind because God will take charge of every situation for you, and so you should read and declare the Bible verse before you sleep at night.

3. Psalm 91:10.

The Bible verse above says that God will command his angels to keep you in all your ways. This means that God's angels will be ordered to protect you, and " in all your ways " means whatever you do, and since you are preparing to sleep, they will stand guard over you to protect you, so you should read and declare the verse to claim the promise of God in it before you sleep at night.

4. Psalm 107:20.

According to the Bible verse given above, God sends his word and heals his people, and he also delivers them from their destruction. As a child of God, you should read and declare this verse for God to send his word and heal you, and he also delivers you from every form of destruction.

5. Isaiah 54:17.

This Bible verse says that you will condemn every tongue that rises against you and that no weapon fashioned against you will hurt you. This means that every wicked enemy that gathered against you to condemn you and hurt you with their formed weapons will not prosper against you, but you will condemn them. You should read and declare the Bible verse by faith before you sleep at night.

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