6 Things You Must Do In Other To Keep A Relationship STRONG - GistOnlinesNg

6 things to keep a relationship strong

Whether it’s a friendship or a love relationship, it will never be perfect, no matter how hard you and your significant other or your friend try. Your partner has some bad habits, but you are definitely no exception. Many couples break up because they can’t admit their mistakes and they keep fighting until one of the partners wins the game. If you are trying to save your relationship or just make it a bit happier here are six things you and your partner should avoid doing in your relationship.

1. Stop suspecting

It`s good to keep in touch all the time, but don`t go too far. Relationship is all about trust, so you should keep in mind that you`re his beloved and he isn`t going to cheat on you. Therefore, you shouldn`t call him every time you have a free minute or just don`t know what to do. When you trust him, you see that there`s no need to suspect. Believe me girls, suspecting and spying on your partner won’t help you build a happy relationship.

2. Losing the romance in the relationship is one of the key reasons why relationships fail.

It is easy to become complacent and slack on making an effort for romance. The truth is, relationships are work. Not that you won’t have any fun along the way, but you need to remember it takes a focused effort to be romantic with your partner.

3. Stop lying

It goes without saying, but still many couples break up because of lie. People often try to acquit their “almost invisible lies”, as they think it`s not harmful and, therefore, not important. But those tiny lies can lead to something much bigger. You may think it`s okay to use small, white lies and then you start to appreciate lying in general. Honesty is crucial in any relationship so try be honest with your significant other and, hopefully, he will be honest with you as well.

4. Break the habit of comparing

You should never compare your boyfriend to anyone else, especially to your ex. Accept all his traits, and learn to love him for who he is. Of course, from time to time we all make comparisons and it often happens unintentionally, but it proves that all you need to do is concentrate on good things only.

5. Don't try to change the other person.

In relationships, we need to realize we are unique individuals. Often we are drawn to someone who is completely opposite to us and after a while we can be tempted to try to change them to be the same as us. Take a step back and remember why you fell in love with this person in the first place. My boyfriend is for the most part carefree and funny, but sometimes his jokes start to drive me nuts or I wish he was more organized. I have to remember that I love that he can make me laugh and that he has such a positive outlook on life.

6. Don't Expect perfection.

We are all human. We all make mistakes. Do not hold your significant other to some unrealistically high expectation. This is especially hard for those of us who hold unrealistically high expectations for ourselves, but that’s another topic altogether.

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