Arise – Chris Maurice [Gospel Music] + Lyrics

Chris Maurice is out with this beautiful new song titled, Arise. Arise is a song of motivation that will charge you up to go after your dreams, and live out God’s purpose for your life.
Arise, because there is an urgent call for you to stand up and become all that God has created you to be. Let the champion inside you awaken, for everything you need to accomplished is right inside of you. You re the MIRACLE that your world has been waiting for, so ARISE.

About artist:

Chris Maurice is a native of Mbokpu Eyokan in Urue Offong/Oruko LGA of Akwa Ibom State. He is a motivator and very passionate about inspiring people, especially youths who are yet to discover their true person and their innate ability, to live out their hidden potentials.
To achieve this, he decided to use his own innate ability in music to encourage all through this song “ARISE” which serves as a motivation and a call for people to rise and be the best in their different fields.
The song was produced by @kingbaseda


Verse 1
Arise! Shine!
It’s an urgent call
For all of us
Who are breathing and alive
Arise, shine
Let the greatness inside of you rise
There is something more than these
I believe in you
I believe in who you are
Everything you need to shine
Is right inside of you
I beseech you
Arise, arise
The world itself waits for you
Arise! Arise!
Stir the Eagle inside of you to rise
Oh hhh
Arise! Arise! Arise
Verse 2
Arise and shine
Let the world feel
The rays of your light
And let darkness wear the veil
Arise and win
Let the champion
Inside of you awake
To claim your victory
I believe in you
I believe in who you are
Everything you need to shine
Is right inside of you
I beseech you
Arise, arise
The world itself waits for you
Arise! Arise!
Stir the Eagle inside of you to rise
Oh hhh
Arise! Arise! Arise

Your best and your wealth
It is right inside of you
The opportunity
You’ve been looking for
It’s been looking for you
So rise and…
Be the best as a politician
Be the best in entrepreneurship
And let mediocrity lose its grip
In our minds
Rise and…
Be the best in academics
Be the best in music, art and craft
Let excellency reign
I believe in you
I believe in who you are
Cos’ everything you need to shine
Is right inside of you
I beseech you
Arise, arise
The world itself awaits you
Rise! Rrise!
Stir the Eagle inside of you to rise
Oh hhh
Arise! Arise! Arise
Let’s rise to the faith of greatness inside of us
There is no miracle you are the miracle.

Connect with Chris Maurice:

Facebook: Chris Maurice

Twitter: @chrismaurice10
Instagrm: @chris_maurice1

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