The Six Health Benefits Of Having s*x Regularly [For Married couple]

Sex is an integral part of human nature and health. The benefits of sex can not be overemphasized. Couples who are not sexually active or the frequency of intimacy is reduced may not be getting the benefits of sex.

It is important for you to know the benefits of having sex regularly. There have been several studies that describe the benefits of healthy sexual life to the human race.

Here ere are 6 reasons why you can go home this evening and tell your other half that you should both get frisky, for the good of your own bodies.

The Six Health Benefits Of Having sex Regularly

1. It could help you sleep better: Sex with orgasms makes the woman release the hormone called prolactin that aids in in making one feel sleepy, according to the National Sleep Foundation. This is the reason you and your partner may fall asleep right after a satisfying round of sex and wake up feeling refreshed.

Research has also shown that when you get enough sleep, it improves your sexual desire the following day. According to a study published in May 2015 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, getting enough sleep increases the chance that your libido will increase and you would desire to have sex regularly.

The above-mentioned information was designed for couples who are married. Having regular sex is a good idea and you may be surprised just how it can help to improve your relationship.

2. It Lower blood pressure:

Let’s face it, for most, sex is a pleasurable, stress-relieving activity. So, is it any surprise that it could lower blood pressure? In one study that looked at the relationship between sexual patterns and blood pressure reactivity to stress, people who had PVI (but no other sexual activities) had less reactivity and/or lower baseline levels of stress vs those who reported other or no sexual activities. In addition, people who only masturbated or had partnered sex without PVI had 14 mmHg more systolic blood pressure reactivity than those who had PVI but not the other behaviors. 

After accounting for confounding variables, the author suggested that the effect of intercourse on blood pressure was greater than other variables in the literature.

3. Improves your mood and relationship.

Regular sex helps improve your relationship by limiting the amount of disagreements you and your partner have. It also improves your mood because sex makes you release dopamine, a feel good hormone released during sex.

That is the reason people get a positive outlook and a smile after sex especially if it was a great round of sex. Aside from sex, being intimate with someone has a mood-boosting effect especially with someone you trust and care about.

4. It Enhances Sharper memory

Sure, sex can spice up your life. But, did you know that sex can also sharpen your brain? In a small study published in Archives of Sexual Behavior, researchers found that in heterosexual women aged 18-29 years, self-reported frequency of intercourse was linked to better memory of abstract words (but not for neutral faces). 

5. It could make you look younger:

In 2013, Dr David Weeks, former head of old age psychology at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, told a British Psychological Society conference that his research showed that men and women who have an active sex life look between five and seven years younger than their actual age.

"Sexual satisfaction is a major contributor to quality of life, ranking at least as high as spiritual or religious commitment," Dr Weeks said.

6.  It makes you skin glow
Many have a “morning after” especially when you had a great sex at night. It is not just a mere talk but the reality because sex makes you look younger. This could be attributed to the stress relieving hormones released and blood flow under the skin during arousal and sex. Sex is meant to be enjoyed in life, hence it needs to be pleasurable.


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